When is Late Summer?

Late Summer……………..most of us don’t think of this as a season but in Chinese Medicine, it is recognized as a transition from yang to yin. It’s usually the last month of summer where everything is flourishing, and time seems to stand still as nature provides a harvest of ripe fruits. Earth is the element associated with late summer. Furthermore, the Spleen-Pancreas and Stomach are the organs related to the Earth element. These organs are largely in charge of extracting essence and nutrients from digestion in order to provide our bodies with immunity, warmth, energy, etc.

Late Summer = Earth Element

There are so many things that we could talk about with Late Summer and the Earth Element. For example, what characteristics and features are often associated with individuals that tend toward the Earth Element?

Healthy Earth Element Type

If an Earth Element type is healthy and in balance, then they are usually very practical and hard-working. Others usually think of these people as responsible and stable. They usually have a good appetite and are strong and active people. Empathy and compassion come easily to them. They are known to have endurance and strong limbs. Often, they seem very orderly and careful in their actions. Creativity and imagination are also strengths that they tend to manifest.

Unhealthy Earth Element Type

However, when an Earth Element type is out of balance then they may find their digestion is off. This can cause a tendency toward chronic fatigue, weak digestion, bloating, blood-sugar imbalances, and weight problems. If the Spleen-Pancreas is out of balance, then weight gain often doesn’t correlate with overeating. Instead, they tend to eat less but they still cannot lose weight. On the other hand, if the Stomach is out of balance, then they may be thin and unable to gain weight. This imbalance may also cause “stuck” behaviors and disorder.

Health tips

So, what are some health points that we should be thinking about during this Late Summer phase? Some quick and easy tips include the following:

Chew food thoroughly – this is important because digestion starts in the mouth and digestive enzymes from our saliva will lessen the burden on our stomach and other digestive organs

Avoid icy cold foods and drinks – extreme cold can put an extra burden on our digestive organs by squelching the digestive fire

Eat breakfast between 7-9am – This is the Earth elements peak time on the circadian organ clock and therefore, the optimum time to receive nourishment

Enjoy fruits and fresh vegetables – these are in abundance during this Late Summer phase

Optimal Foods

Foods that will be of most benefit during this Late Summer phase include those that are mildly sweet, yellow or golden in color, and round in shape. So, what foods might that include? Foods such as:

Grains: millet, corn & amaranth
Veggies: carrots, cabbage, squash, potatoes & sweet potatoes
Legumes: garbanzo & soybeans
Fruits: apricots & cantaloupe
Nuts: filberts & chestnuts
Spices: onion, leek & fennel

Acupuncture Points

Stomach 20 “Receiving Fullness”: this point can be very useful for individuals that have a hard time receiving love and nurturing from others. Needling ST20 can help to open the “storehouse”, ie: our stomach, so that nourishment can be more readily received.

Spleen 8 “Earth Motivator”: this point invigorates the digestion. As the name suggests, SP8 is a motivating point, not only for digestion but also for moving through emotions and helping to transform stubbornness into thoughtfulness.

Further thoughts

During this Late Summer season, it’s a great time to show gratefulness and also take time for reflection. A great way to start is by taking time each day to jot down 3 things that you’re thankful for. Personally, I like to start each day in prayer, thanking God for His many blessings in my life. Reflect on your own harvest……..are you bearing fruit and how?

Prepare for letting go in autumn – Autumn is the next season and is all about letting go of things that may be holding you back. If you are an Earth Element and unbalanced, then you may find yourself accumulating useless possessions. Autumn will be a good time to declutter and let go of those items that aren’t serving a purpose in your life.

If you have digestive issues, then acupuncture and herbs can help! Click here to book an appointment or contact me personally.

If you enjoyed this blog…………there’s more. Click here for other blogs or follow me on Instagram for shorter tidbits of health information.

1.Pitchford P. Healing with wholefoods: Asian traditions and modern nutrition. 3rd ed. Berkeley (CA): Northern Atlantic Books; 2002, 339-43 p.

2.Gumenick N. The five elements: earth. The Institute of Classical Five-Element Acupuncture Inc. 1997; 1-3. Available from: http://www.5elements.com/docs/elements/earthelement.html

Photo by Dakota Roos on Unsplash